Wednesday 20 March 2013

Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash chandhra Bose(1897-1945) :

Birth january 23,1897 at cuttack.

Passed civils in 1920 & left it during "Non Cooperation Movement".

Founded "Independence for India League" with "Nehru".

President of Indian National Congress in 1938 at "Ilaripura session".

Founded "Forward Block" in 1939.

In 1941 escaped to Berlin & met Hitler.

He gave the war cry "Dilli Chalo" and Slogan "Jai Hind".

Autobiography - "The Indian Struggle".

He addressed Gandhi as "Father of Nation".

In 1943,took charge of "Indian National Army" in singapore & set up Indian Provisional Government there.

Died in Plane Crash on August 18,1945.

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