Tuesday 19 March 2013


1. Which article is known as Heart and Soul of the Constitution ?
    Article 32
2. Which article is known as Necessary Evil ?
    Article 22
3. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution provides for ?
    Abolition of Untouchability
4. Fundamental Right are granted to citizens under which Article ?
    Article 12 to 35
5. 'Right to Equality' is guaranteed to the citizens of India under Article ?
    Article 14
6. Which article has banned employment of children below the of 14 in hazardous industries and factories ?
    Article 24
7. Which article deals with the free and compulsory education to all children below 14 years of age?
    Article 45
8. Which article deals with Right to elementary Education ?
    Article 21 A
9. Which is the Article that provides special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir ?
    Article 370
10. Which Article relates to the establishment of Finance Commission ?
   Article 280
11. Which Article deals with the Fundamental Duties ?
   Article 51

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